chastity device - Lori 12D

Chastity Device: How (not) to buy a new one

The dubious joy of shopping for a chastity device. Jumping forward from the CB3000 to today, missing out about 2 years of some pretty interesting stuff (I promise I’ll get through it all in time), we’re currently in the market for a fully-fledged chastity. belt.John’s Lori #12DAt the moment I have John fairly safely locked away in … [read more]

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cb3000 chastity device

CB3000 – a bright and shiny new chastity device

The CB3000. His (our?) first chastity device. At the time we got it, we were both very inex­pe­ri­enced and naive when it came to male chastity and, to be hon­est, we’d prob­a­bly uncon­sciously taken some of the more unlikely tales of “she put this on me and took the keys, and I haven’t been let out … [read more]

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