The CB3000. His (our?) first chastity device. At the time we got it, we were both very inexperienced and naive when it came to male chastity and, to be honest, we’d probably unconsciously taken some of the more unlikely tales of “she put this on me and took the keys, and I haven’t been let out since” a little too literally.
The CB3000 is a bit fiddly and sometimes painful to get on, not something you want in a long-term chastity device, to be sure.
At first John said it was comfortable, but soon changed his mind. The plastic ring frequently made his testicles sore, the construction of the thing made it pinch his skin and catch his pubic hairs on occasion… and worst of all, he could still orgasm in it!
He persevered with the CB3000, but on the whole it was a bit of a flop (pardon the pun).
Eventually we gave up on it.
I know some people have success with the CB3000 and by all accounts, some men have been successfully kept chaste for several months. I have to take them at their word, although I can say with us it was no good at all.
At the time John was quite disappointed, and I guess I was, too.
Alas, the CB3000 is a non-starter
That said, I confess, just after he put it on we walked into town, and there was something so… indescribably horny walking along with him like that, knowing under his jeans he was locked in that CB3000 and couldn’t touch himself without my unlocking him first.
I think that’s when it first really hit me what the possibilities were.
I already had an inkling, from how he reacted and my reaction to his reaction when I told him to stop during lovemaking, or wouldn’t let him enter me at all, but this was a much more powerful feeling altogether.
Now… to change the subject slightly… there are two reasons for this blog.
First, it’s a potted history of our chastity journey.
I’d love to share it with other women and men who’re into the same thing. I found at the beginning it was tough to get sensible unbiased advice from people.
And, secondly, I want to make it into a kind of diary detailing what we’re up to and sharing what works and what doesn’t, especially when it comes to effective and comfortable chastity devices.
Right now it feels like we’re ready to take this all a little further… although I’m not sure where that’s going to be.
But I do know it will involve a chastity device of some kind or other.
More later on all the different kinds of chastity device we'll be trying and all the other stuff we get up to along the way.